1960 | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2010 | 2020

Watch our commemorative video

At this moment, as we celebrate such a significant anniversary, we invite everyone who is part of this journey to get to know our history even better.

After all, many hands have contributed to building and continue to enrich this legacy, with great pride, passion, and dedication.

For all these reasons, we have prepared this website specially to tell a little more about the paths we’ve taken to get here, always by your side.


Where it all began

Before founding Vipal Rubber, Vicencio Paludo started his career as a partner in a petrol station. In those early days, everything was still very basic. In spite of that, the establishment would offer some additional services to customers, such as a bar and a tyre repair shop.

The idea was to make life easier for drivers, continuously expanding the services offered.

Gas station where Mr. Vicencio Paludo worked as a partner.

Petrol station where Mr. Vicencio Paludo worked as a partner.

Mr. Vicencio Paludo (standing) and Mr. Arlindo Paludo (driver) transporting batches of tyre acquired by Paludo.

Mr. Vicencio Paludo (standing) and Mr. Arlindo Paludo (driver) transporting batches of tyres purchased by Paludo.

The 3 machinery acquired.

3 machines acquired.


The passion

In daily contact with those who live on the road, he begins to envision a new path to be taken in the rubber market.

The disposal of tyres in good condition draws the attention of Vicencio and becomes an opportunity in the hands of the company’s founder: three tyre retreading machines are acquired to give new life to used tyres.

The seed of Vipal Rubber was planted.


The first developed products

Vicencio begins to develop the first tyre patches. The success of the business is so great that the petrol station becomes too small. At that time, tyre repair products were hard to find as they had to be imported.

With a good experience in the industry, Vicencio knows what needs to be done to ensure quality repairs. Then, he starts producing them, and gradually, the excellence of the repairs gains recognition in the region.

Today, Vipal offers more than 4,500 products in its portfolio.


The origin of the name "Vipal"

The choice of the company’s name came about when Vicencio was at the petrol station, reading some documents about the company’s establishment. After seeing his name, Vicencio Paludo, written so many times on the papers, he combined the initial letters of his first name with those of his last name: "Vicencio Paludo".

In that same year, the first articles of incorporation were signed under the name of Vipal Rubber LTDA.


The First Order in Vipal's History is Closed

The first boxes of patches are sold, and invoice number 001 is issued.


The Official Celebration of the Start of Operations

Even though the articles of incorporation had been in place since 1971, the date of July 28, 1973, is marked as the official beginning of the company because it was when all the necessary activities to start operations were put into practice.

The cornerstone is laid to celebrate the beginning of the construction of the headquarters of Vipal Rubber Ltda.

People who attended the event threw coins on the ground, with the intention of bringing luck to the enterprise.

Cornerstone located at Vipal Factory 1.


First logo


The First Logo


The First Factory

The first Brazilian factory of products for cold cure repairing of tyres and inner tubes is founded in the city of Nova Prata/RS, Brazil Brazil. At the time, it was a warehouse built in accordance with the best industrial standardsstandards.

Today, the factory is responsible for the production of tyre patches and repairs, as well as products for the tyre retreading process, such as flaps, nylon, curing tubes, and envelopes.

It has more than 700 employees, a physical structure of more than 40,000 square metres and mixing capacity of 4,000 tons per month.

Building of Vipal Factory 1 in Nova Prata/RS, Brazil.

Building of Vipal Rubber’s Factory 1 in Nova Prata/RS, Brazil.

Current industrial facility of Factory 1.

Current industrial facility of Factory 1.

Product: Patches and Valve Reinforcements for Inner Tubes.

Patches and Valve Reinforcements for Inner Tubes.


Exports of Repairs

The company's first exports began to Chile with the line of repairs, products which were well received in that market. Today, more than 30,000 tons are sold abroad every year.


Hot Cure Retreading

Vipal starts manufacturing products for hot cure tyre retreading. The launch of the camelback line marks a new relationship between Vipal Rubber and partners living on the road.

Today, Vipal is a reference and leader in Brazil in the hot cure retreading of agricultural, OTR and passenger tyres.

Camelback line.

Camelback line.

Second logo


The Second Logo



Technical Training

The inauguration of the Vipal Technical Centre is a fundamental step for the growth of Vipal. In Nova Prata/RS, Brazil, the school starts with the aim of training specialised workforce in tyre retreading.

Today, apart from trainings, the Centre also serves the region's retreading market and conducts product testing in real usage conditions.

Internal structure of Vipal Technical Centre.

Internal structure of Vipal Technical Centre.

Environmental Management


Environmental Management

To minimise the impact of the factory's activities on the environment, the environmental management system is implemented, a sustainability program that is now present throughout Vipal Rubber.

Today, the manufacturing units have a storage capacity of more than 2 million litres of rainwater for reuse, and annually, more than 35 million litres of effluents undergo treatment.

Click here and learn all the initiatives.


Cold Cure Retreading

The launch of the precured tread line, cushion gum and envelope marks a new moment for the company: it is the beginning of the manufacture of products for cold cure retreading.

Vipal becomes the only company to offer a complete line of tyre retreading and repairs, currently leading in commercial tyre retreading in Latin America and a world reference in this market.

Cold cure retreading
Third logo


The Third Logo


Vipal in the United States and the First Branch Abroad

The opening of Vipal Rubber’s unit in the United States, the world's largest tyre retreading market. The operations started in Miami, with an office and a distribution centre to serve mainly Central America.

Currently, Vipal has two distribution centres in the United States, in Norfolk and Madison, which also serve Canada and 60 customers.


Vipal Rubber becomes the first Brazilian ISO 9002-certified company in the tyre retreading and inner tube industry.

Click and learn more about the Vipal’s management policies.



The Great Expansion

Vipal Rubber launches its Authorised Network in Brazil and Argentina, comprised of highly skilled retreaders.

Today, the Vipal Authorised Network has more than 250 authorised retreaders in Latin America, making it the largest and most qualified in the market.

First layout developed for Vipal Authorised Network façades.

First layout designed for Vipal Authorised Network façades.

Physical structure of Vipal's second factory.

Facilities of factory 2 in Nova Prata/RS, Brazil.


The Second Factory

Vipal inaugurates its second factory in Nova Prata/RS, Brazil, which is now mainly responsible for the production of precured tread, camelback, orbicushion and strip rubber compound.

Today, it has over 800 employees in nearly 75,000 square metres of facilities and a mixing capacity of 8,000 tons per month.


Development of Exclusive Designs

Vipal begins to invest in the development of its own designs of precured treads and launches the first products of the DV line (Vipal Development) with exclusive designs that provide excellent mileage performance.

Today, the DV line includes more than 20 designs and is recognised by retreaders and transport companies around the world for its performance.

Some exclusive Vipal designs: DV-RT5, DV-UM3, DV-MTE, DV-RM, VL110LA.

Some of the exclusive Vipal designs: DV-RT5, DV-UM3, DV-MTE, DV-RM, VL110LA.

Entry into the Chilean Market

Opening of an office and distribution centre in the city of Santiago to meet the needs of the Chilean market.

Today, the branch is also responsible for serving the markets of Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador, and plays an important role in the precured tread market.



Opening of a Branch in Argentina

Vipal products had already been known in Argentina since the beginning of 1996 and due to their excellent acceptance and relevance in the Argentine market, Vipal initiated its operation in the country. Initially, an office and a distribution centre were inaugurated in the city of Alvear, later that year, they were moved to Rosario. Today, they are located in Pérez, all in the Province of Santa Fe.

The branch currently has 18 partners in its Authorised Network of retreaders, is a market leader, and serves clients in Paraguay and Uruguay, Oceania, and Southeast Asia.


Multibrand Market

The acquisition of Ruzi, a well-established name in the retreading market, is part of a new commercial strategy, aimed at the independent market.

Today, it is one of the leading brands in the multibrand retreading market.

Current Ruzi logo, renewed in 2021.

Current Ruzi logo, refreshed in 2021.


The Fourth Logo

Fourth logo

Mexico and Central America

Vipal opens its branch in Mexico, with an office and a distribution centre in the city of Tultitlan, which are now located in the city of Tlalnepantla.

Currently, 13 retreaders are part of the Vipal Authorised Network in Mexico and 6 in Central America, having a constant presence in large fleets in the region.


Operations in Europe

Start of operations in Europe, with the opening of the office in Spain.

Today, there are 3 distribution centres: Valencia (Spain), Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and Felixstowe (United Kingdom), which serve all of Europe, the Middle East, and the African continent.



Investment in technology

Inauguration of Vipaltec, a high-tech company that performs tests for certification and research in various segments, including new and tyre retreading. It is accredited by the General Coordination of Accreditation of Inmetro (CGCRE) and serves tyre companies in Brazil and abroad.

Today, over 600 tests are conducted annually with commercial, passenger, and motorcycle tyres, along with over 100 research tests aimed at various objectives, totalising more than 20,000 testing hours.

Vipaltec building in Nova Prata/RS, Brazil.

Vipaltec building in Nova Prata/RS, Brazil.

Test being performed on a commercial tyre.

Test being performed on a commercial tyre.


Opening of the Office in Porto Alegre

Transfer of the company's administrative headquarters to Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil, which today has almost 200 employees.

It is the corporate space of the company, giving support to the other units.

Aeroporto Business Center, Vipal's headquarters in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Airport Business Centre, Vipal's headquarters in Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil.

Physical structure of the factory in Feira de Santana/Bahia, Brazil.

Physical structure of the factory in Feira de Santana/Bahia, Brazil.


Industrial Expansion in Brazil

Inauguration of the factory in Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil. Located in an area of 608,000 square metres, with 65,000 square metres of built area, the manufacturing plant carries Vipal's Sustainable DNA.

Today, it is considered one of the most modern rubber factories in the world and is responsible to produce precured treads and motorcycle tyres.


Launch of Eco Treads

Launch of the line of treads that can generate up to 10% savings in fuel through retreaded tyres, reducing the environmental impact and reducing the costs of the transport companies.

Get to know Vipal's Eco line of treads.

Launching of Eco Treads


Innovation on the rise

Vipal inaugurates Research and Technology Centre in the city of Nova Prata/RS, Brazil, to evaluate and homologate 100% of raw materials and suppliers.

Today it is one of the most modern in the world in the tyre retreading segment, has 13 laboratories and performs more than 50 diverse types of tests, generating more than 28,000 tests annually.

Innovation on the rise
Internal structure of Vipal Research and Technology Centre in Nova Prata/RS, Brazil.

Internal structure of Vipal Research and Technology Centre Nova Prata/RS, Brazil.

Laboratory analyzes conducted at Research and Technology Centre.

Laboratory analy s es conducted at the Centre.

Current company logo


The Fifth Logo


Office in Colombia

Vipal opens its office and distribution centre in the city of Cota, Colombia, a country to which it has been exporting since 1998 and which already relies on the work of authorised retreaders.

It currently has an important share in the commercial tyre retreading market in the country.

New challenges on two wheels
Tyres from the STREET ST300 line at the distribution centre.

ST300 tyres at the distribution centre.


New challenges on two wheels

Vipal enters the market of new tyres and launches its first motorcycle tyres.

The first models launched, ST200, ST300, TR300 and CR300 had excellent acceptance and quickly achieve market growth. This demonstrates the recognition of Vipal’s quality in new tyres, which has already been established in the retreading segment.

Today, Vipal Motorcycle Tyres is one of the leading brands in the aftermarket, with products for all types of use - street, trail and cross.


Vipal Corporate University

Vipal takes another crucial step in its training program for professionals in the segment with the creation of a corporate university, Univipal. This initiative offers online courses in the technical, commercial and management areas, in addition to the classroom courses that have been conducted at the Vipal Technical Centre since 1987.

Today, Univipal has more than 70 courses focused on the rubber market and does almost 500* trainings per year, upskilling more than 5,000* students.

*Data from the period of 2019 to 2022.

Vipal Corporate University
Training room at Univipal.

Training room at Univipal.


Production of Machinery

Vipal Machinery is inaugurated in Nova Prata/RS, a factory of tyre retreading equipment. The first machines launched were the VR01 Smart Uno and Duo commercial tyre buffer, to improve the retreaders' productivity.

The first export took place to Uruguay in 2017 and today Vipal exports to 8 countries, such as New Zealand, the United States, Spain, Mexico, El Salvador, Argentina, and Chile.

Click here to discover the 6 state-of-art machinery models that comprise Vipal's portfolio.

VR01 SMART DUO machine.
VR01 SMART DUO machine.


ISO 9001-2015



Vipal receives another quality certificate, the ISO 9001-2015 This certification is awarded to companies with a management system that ensures process optimization, greater agility in product development and more efficient production, all aimed at satisfying customers and achieving sustained success, helping the company to improve its performance.


Vipal Machinery Expansion

Vipal Rubber expands its portfolio of machinery entering the agricultural segment with the orbitread VOT2200 Heavy Duty and its first orbicushion VOC760.

VOT2200 Heavy Duty machine.

VOT2200 Heavy Duty.


Start of Motorcycle Tyre Exports

After Brazil, Mexico became the next destination for this important product in the Vipal portfolio. The Trail line, featuring the TR200, TR300 and TR400 tyres, is the most exported tyre line to date.

Industrial facility of the factory in the USA.

Industrial facility of the factory in the USA.


Factory in the United States

With a structure covering more than 15,000 square metres and a production capacity of 650 tons per month, Vipal acquires a plant in Madison, Tennessee to serve the American market and export to Canada and Mexico.


Factory in Argentina

Inauguration of the factory in Argentina to serve the world market with more agility. The unit produces precured treads and has a production capacity of 1,000 tons per month in an area of 8,000 square metres.

Comprising all its factories, Vipal is now one of the tyre retreading companies with the largest production capacity in the world, with an installed capacity of more than 20,000 tons per month.

Industrial facility of the factory in Argentina.

Industrial facility of the factory in Argentina.


Factory Located in Minas Gerais

Acquisition of a factory in the city of Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais, Brazil, with an area of nearly 17,000 square metres and a production capacity of approximately 900 tons per month.

Factory located in Minas Gerais


Supply of Original Equipment for Motorcycle Tyres

Beginning of the tyre supply to one of Brazil's largest motorcycle manufacturers, as an original factory component, following numerous durability, safety, resistance and performance tests.

Current company logo
Current company logo


New Logo

A special year:  50 years of Vipal Rubber


A special year:

50 years of Vipal Rubber

Today, 7 factories in countries such as Brazil, Argentina and the United States, supply customers with a wide range of tyre retreading products, including tyre retreading machinery, tyre and inner tubes repair products and an industrial line. In addition, they manufacture motorcycle tyres and inner tubes, resulting in a portfolio that comprises more than 4,500 items.

It currently has 15 distribution centres at strategic points around the globe and is present in more than 90 countries across all continents.

A path that fills us with pride. Another year to shine all over the world. Another year alongside each employee and each client who is part of this legacy. Another year of hard work, dedication, and eyes wide open to the horizon that awaits us.

And may after this, many more years, decades, and centuries come, always with great success and new roads to follow.

Let's go together.

A special year:  50 years of Vipal Rubber

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